TOS Movies
In honor of Warcraft’s “Maintenance Tuesdays”
Poor old Enterprise-B was just trying to get out of the docks for her maiden voyage. Made for one heck of a running gag when everything that could have solved their problems wouldn’t be installed or delivered until Tuesday (because, why would we possibly need photon torpedoes right out of spacedock?) And yes, he is […]
What He Wants to Say
We all know Vulcans are logical, straight to the point, and more or less polite. However, we don’t really know what they are truly thinking. Are they just as childish as we can be? Hope so, that would be really funny, to catch them in the act of being a poopyhead.
The Original Series Movie Memes
Star Trek hit the big time when they debuted on the Silver Screen in 1979 with The Motion Picture. The story might have been underwhelming, but the special effects were exceptional for the day. And with the amount of money the movie returned to the studios, they moved on to what is arguably the best […]